This article originally appeared in [Kasia Rudnicka’s Blog] and has been republished with permission

What Is Human Design? A Beginner’s Guide To The Basics of This Pseudoscience

Kasia Rudnicka
5 min readNov 23, 2022

Not just another temporary phenomenon…

Photo by Dario Brönnimann on Unsplash

The era of the internet is one of buzzwords, pop-colour and fun movements, and trends, some of which often fade into oblivion after some time under the lights. Hearing about Human Design for the first time might have caused the same reaction as the recent obsession with star-signs and astrology, or even trending TikTok dances. And to that? Fair enough! Why should you have to invest time and energy into something only to watch it fritter away, to be replaced by something equally frivolous?

I’ll tell you why. However, Human Design is not one of those theories — and not just because I say so. In this short guide, you’re about to find out what Human Design really is, the different types available, and why it’s not just another internet trend. As a bonus, you’ll also get a brief insight into how Human Design can boost your career. So, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Again? What Is It Really?

They say information is power — and that couldn’t be more true. Human Design is a method that uses the information you already know about yourself to give you the power to exceed and excel. Imagine if you bought a shiny new dishwasher for your kitchen. It’d look great online and you’d love it when it’s delivered. But you’d take it out the packaging, plug it in, and realize you’ve never owned a dishwasher and have no idea how to use one. Then, you turn to the instruction manual to get you set up and keep your dishes clean in half the time and a fraction of the effort.

Human Design acts as the instruction manual for you in all aspects of your life. Knowing who you are through your chart allows you to identify the areas in which you thrive, and the ones in which you might need a little more practice. This can be the key to finding your perfect partner, choosing your dream career, and having a purposeful and fulfilling life overall doing what you love.

A pseudo-scientific self-knowledge practice which has no attached religious dogma, Human Design was created by a Canadian man born Alan Robert Krakauer and later named Ra Uru H, who combined Vedic Philosophy, Astrology, The Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, your personality, the I Ching and Kabbalah, and even Quantum Physics.

Human Design Chart

Alan Krakauer had a mystical experience in the 80s and received information from a voice of supreme intelligence spanning eight days.

Human Design Types

As a practice, human design is based on the belief that human beings are divided into five energy types. These are as follows:

Manifestors: They specialize in initiating activity. They love getting the ball rolling, making things happen, then stepping back and letting others finish off. They have an open sacral center so they burn out after a while and move on to the next thing. In order for this not to happen, Manifestors need to be selective with the projects they choose to see through. This type of behaviour often makes them seem unapproachable, even mean and rude sometimes. They are often referred to as the lone wolves of the world.

Generators: They are responders with an insane amount of energy. Their defined sacral center keeps the world around them going. Representing around 70% of the population, they love building what manifestors have started. Generators are productive, passionate, magnetic, and successful, drawing everyone to them with their enthusiastic and mindful nature.

Manifesting Generators: They are a sub type of generators, just with more passions and they generally work faster. They love variety, and can’t be focused on one thing for too long.

Projectors: This group makes up about 20% of the world’s population and they are best effective when they serve in positions where they can offer guidance and wisdom to the rest of the world.

Reflectors: They are the rarest of the bunch, just about 1% of the world’s population. Nevertheless, they have enough empathy to soak up the energy around them and reflect it. They have no particular energy of their own.

All these Human Design types have their own particular strengths and weaknesses. You’ll need your location of birth, birthday and birth time to figure out which personality type you are.

Photo by Alex Hockett on Unsplash

Are You Sure This Isn’t Just Another Trend?

Yes. Internet movements and trends tend to ditch old knowledge in favour of the new. Human Design stands out in this regard. The practice combines ancient principles to help humans find the map for their soul’s peculiar energy. Modern technology enabled Human Design calculations to take place within a minute or two and that gives us a complex yet accurate source of information about our energy blueprint.

Unlike personality quizzes, its outcome does not rely on our current mood, and coloured answers, which might change the next day. Human Design provides 1000 points of information, from your type, profile, variables, through energy circuits, sleep chart, to defined/undefined and open centres, channels, hanging gates etc. It’s like an onion with 100 layers where each layer represents self-discovery. It validates your personality, behaviour, values, and life choices. It also gives you permission to be yourself. Human Design gives you inner peace, makes you more patient and understandable.

So, How Can It Help My Career?

Human Design allows you to understand yourself better on a more intimate level, and who you should align with, which would in turn help you make better decisions. This will help you realize your potential and propel you to where you need to be.

A life and human design coach with decades of experience in helping people to better navigate their lives and kickstart their journey to self-improvement. Stumbling upon the human design practice has aided her in her own self-improvement journey and allowed her to share her learnings and experiences, aiding in the success of dozens of clients.

The reward is worth every second you invest into this beautiful practice. It’s a system that helps you not only to better navigate your career,but also to trust yourself again, and stop seeking external validation with major decisions. You just know - you trust life, you trust yourself. Simple. Not easy at first glance, but simple.

Best wishes on your Human Design experiment!

Anything to add or questions to ask? Pop them in the comments. Let’s have a discussion. 🌎

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